Music Monday Featuring new artist @RomeoCrow singing "Hots For You"

This gentleman found me on twitter and who would have thought one man could be so talented. I want to share him with the world! Please welcome Romeo

 Romeo Crow wears shiny suits and pointy shoes, his face framed by classic-rock hair; as if Prince collided with Zeppelin.

His shirts are Italian, as is his food. His wife too. But he's a Londoner; a drop in the world's melting pot, soaked in history, cooked in opportunity.

He sings with a passionate conviction, his guitar crying with desire. He dances like Jay Kay, moshes like de la Rocha. Funk-fused rock astride a heavy bed of blues.

Romeo Crow is a multi-instrumentalist musician and performer, a composer and a songwriter. He's an author, screenwriter and film-maker. A humble martial artist and a loving family man. A mirror for creativity. A font of positivity. There's a lot to get done......Read more





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